We conduct Performance Reviews for all Senior and Middle Management positions, including (among others):


Deputy Principal

Head of Campus

Chief Finance Officer

Head of Department

Head of Boarding

Year/Grade Co-ordinator

Head of House

Optimal School Governance Senior Management professional review model example

Our performance reviews and appraisals of School Principals, Senior Leaders and Managers, and Middle Managers, are always conducted in an independent and confidential manner, using models and frameworks that are specifically tailored to the role descriptions and level of leadership responsibility of the individual.  Our performance reviews consistently earn universal praise for their professionalism, insight, timeliness and value.

Performance reviews are evidence-based, drawing upon as wide a set of quantitative and qualitative data input as the school requires (usually a 360-degree evaluation).  Reviews also include a self-review component.

Full reports are provided in a self-contained format that is suitable for record-retention as well as follow-up discussion and goal setting.